Tie plugs

Naturel cedar tie plugs

Rated from durable to very durable regarding decay resistance, cedar trees also have great resistance to termites and powder post beetles. Northern cedar contains natural oils wich keep insects and decay away from cedar. It’s superior resistance also repeals other insects and fungus. White cedar is extremely lightweight what makes it less expensive to transport from our factory to your warehouse.

Tie plugs are extending the life of crossties across North America.

Northern cedar tie plugs are rot resistant without using chemicals that harm the environment or people’s health.

RTA Member


    Low cost
    Natural decay resistance
√    Environmentally friendly
    Light wight
   Very clean

On-time delivery, every time!

Notched, 5/8″ square, with head 5/8″  x 11/16″

Standard bundle, 100 sticks of 5 tie plugs (500 plugs)

500 tie plugs = 1 Bundle ± (15,5 lbs)
84 bundles = 1 Pallet ± (1325 lbs)
Pallet size = 45″ x 45″ * 47″

Cedar tie plug

Notched, 9/16″ square

Standard bundle, 100 sticks of 5 tie plugs (500 plugs)

500 tie plugs = 1 Bundle ± (12 lbs)
98 bundles = 1 Pallet ± (1200 lbs)
Pallet size = 40″ x 48″ * 45″

Cedar tie plug

For more information

    Select the size of natural cedar tie plugs
